《讀音:進山 · 看海 · 未嘗不可》Voice of Verse: Forth Iteration





本作是《讀音: 進山.看海.未嘗不可》項目中的一個多媒介視覺藝術裝置,放置於揉合了歷史與現代創意建築的大館中。視覺藝術家曾敏富利用多媒介的互動裝置,展示出對於關夢南及王良和的詩作的想像,以及藝術家對現今科技生活的體會。作品在全新感官領域下尋找詩與視覺藝術的共通點,思考現今科技於生活中的角色。




Matthew Tsang Man Fu

What’s the distance between us

2023 / installation / dimensions variable


This work is a multimedia visual art installation in the “voice of verse: fourth iteration” project. It is situated at Tai Wan – a place uniting heritage with the modern creative experience. The visual artist Matthew Tsang makes use of the multi-media interactive installation to present the poetic imagination of Kwan Muk Nam and Wong Leung Wo and his own reflections on technologies in modern living. The fresh sensory experience of the work explores the connection between poems and visual arts and contemplates the role of technology in life.

Through the exchange of artistic and life experiences with the two poets, Matthew investigated the interrelationship between visual elements and poetic language, the challenges of a lifestyle overflowed with new technologies and visual information, the significance of virtual as against reality in life, and the subtle differences occasioned by varying distance with people and things around us. The artist distills words, images, sounds … etc. from elements of art and poetry and through the work’s interactive medium, creates a fixed technological installation in which audiences can interact and experience multi-facet artistic experiences.

The work is the product of the exchange between the artist and the poets. Consolidating elements of visual arts and poetry, it aims to lead audiences to a brief encounter with a space filled with imagination, emotions, and culture.

活動與藝術家/詩人資訊 Event and Participants

王良和的詩 Poetry by Wong Leung Wo

關夢南的詩 Poetry by Kwan Muk Nam